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35 Pasig, Manila, Philippines
Seeking: Male 45 - 55
Occupation: Medical / Dental / Veterinary
Im different here. Start with Hi to you my lovely person reading this!❤️ First i am 37, never married. Pettite short. 4'11 height 41kgs! As long as i know my self more I can say I have no temper., mostly I'm patient and calm, I don't really like fighting or arguments but rather we can talk nice and calm but will never meant to argue just that we need to respect each of our opinions/views. Remember we're built differently! Ive got my long patience mostly so don't try with me lol! I'm mostly caring, sweet, down to earth,kind,easy to be with,compassionate,supportive to my man and family oriented. Selfless to love ones? Isn't it bad to be that kind? Fact, I am animal lover and i do fostering before and sometimes when i can but sadly i can't take them all even i wanted and that's makes me feel bad at some point... I've got 1 adopted female cat when she's a weeks old and 2 lovely loud chihuahuas! 🙈🧠🐕Want to know more don't hesitate to message me! I don't bite lol! Tell something about your self too. Photos are mostly recents and REAL wish also yours. To be cleared again I'm not here for cam shows and the likes! PS:"Im not also here to waste both of our time nor play around because i think I'm too old for that so lets not waste both of our precious time and wish u are body, mind soul prepared for our journey with life together in relationships! Thank you in advance for my future Man that maybe now u just reading my profile and in future we're both reading our lovely life together! . Wished you all the best! and hope soon to hear from u my future best friend for life! Be safe until we meet! You're doing great wherever/whenever you are by now! I've got you!❤️❤️❤️ My warmest hugs, Yours, ANGELA🤗
45 Makati, Manila, Philippines
Seeking: Male 40 - 60
Occupation: Medical / Dental / Veterinary
My parents mold me to become a good individual. They thought me to free my heart from hatered to reach out and to forgive.Well am not trying to justify myself here but this is who I am and that is something no one can be. If you are looking for a boney lady unfortunately I am not your lady there's a meat in me.You know what I'm getting at. In fact I want make myself beautiful to my partner so I can maintain to be the apple of his eyes.Meaning you need not to cheat on me because I will be your very best. I am the kind of person who is attached to the glamour of LOVE . Having a partner is a paramount important to me. Love and emotional fulfillment is what I needed. When I loved I love with all my heart and soul without any doubt. I know I will give my all when I'm into it. I simply speak whats on my mind and ask question most of the time. I rather stay home with my love one's than going out late night. I am not a party animal thou.Basically I am a normal lady that get jealous but I wont let my insecurities pull me down nor the relationship when I am into. I also cry when I am badly hurt just let me pour out the pain then I'll be alright. I just don't like being accused you could have at least asked me then I'll answer you straight from the heart. Am an open-minded person which means you can talk to me anything under the sun so there's no need for you to lie. I have widen my horizon in every issue's that comes inn out of my life. I have so much love to offer to the man I cant dare to live without. I loved to cuddle and snuggle at the end of the day. Well am just a touchy person who eventually very sensual and sexual to my partner and I expect him to do the same. Oh! dont get too excited about it. Do I need to elaborate? That's for me to know and for you to find out! I have my flaws and know it (we all do), Communication and passion is very important to me they play a vital role in every relationship. I am deeply caring, energetic and filled with ideas. I prefer soltitude to chaotic scene than over stimulating. I'm obserevant about the environment around me. I put a lot of emphasis on how people view me as an individual. I'm smart, shrewd, funny, I sing in the shower, I dance in the rain! and I have a lot to contribute to my lover. I should say that am a fully grown woman and I know what I want so dont manipulate me. I cant be perfect they dont exist. I am only human I also made mistake. But those mistakes are not an excuse to back out but an inspiration to move forward. I know I can be strong and knows exactly how to hold on. I may screw up sometimes but I know how to listen and learn from it. I'm way to mature and have seen too much serious stuff in life to be superficial and judge others on their appearance. I'm an adult and want to do adult things with adult people. I understand we live in different side of the world but that dosent stop me from getting to know you.
37 Iriga, Camarines Sur, Philippines
Seeking: Male 40 - 65
Occupation: Medical / Dental / Veterinary
Don't contact me if you're not upgraded in this site because i can't read your messages and to those who's not serious and interested to get to know me don't waste my time either. I'm looking for serious and long term relationships. Fake profiles and fake people and scammer don't waste your time and mine please. Go to the next profile and good luck on your search. My name is Laarni 37 yrs old, I'm a single parent for almost 12 yrs and I have one daughter who stay with me .I was move on already of his love that full of betrayal when my ex worked abroad.And we live to my parents house like Filipino culture. And I'm a kind person,humble,faithful,understanding,good listener,loyal,God fearing and a down to earth person ,genuine,adventurous,friendly, a true loving woman. I love to cook,listening music especially oldest that make me fell relax, I like to learn new things and other culture and go around the world in God's will, I like the outdoor activities like gardening, going with best friends, beaches comping,fishing,biking and a lot of more that I want to feel the beauty of nature. To my future family and kids I'm a hard working Mom I've working abroad overseas...I'm not here for games or asking money to the guy I been meet online I'm happy of what I can get in my own work to find it in my own not asking to the Lord to gave me a wealthy man who can give everything in me to be a reach."No" I'm here looking for a guy who will accept me for being who I am now and will look after me when we getting older and stay with me for ever and same with him also that I will taking care of him and my future kids if ever and I will keep my promise to him and be faithful to my kids and my to be I'm happy and contented of what life he can give it to me....Trust and Understanding is the main factor of having a happy family to have a nice and good chemistry to both of us and I want God be the center of our family... .in return I will give my life for my future family and for my future that make it last for ever and that's my promise that will never break because I am not a gold digger woman and I don't have a brother so I miss a love of a brother a best friend and a partner I will love him and treasure him for the rest of my life thank you very much for reading my profile..my God bless you and good luck on your search.