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Filipino Dating


Single Women








Bachelors Degree

71 - 100 of 100
24 Lingayen, Pangasinan, Philippines
Seeking: Male 25 - 45
Education: Bachelors Degree
I'm Nicole but you can call me Nikki or Nic. 24 years old, introvert but can be extrovert. I don't want to go out that much during my free time I'm fine spending time alone reading books (novels, romantic poems, e-books esp. manhua) and keeping updated on my social media (need chismis in my blood) and love listening to songs on Spotify. I'm honest and straightforward person maybe a bit chatty too once we've become close. I am a Christian Baptist hoping to find a Christian partner and grow together spiritually. I'm looking for a kind man who will never lie and cheat someone who will never hurt me physically, I need to be with someone who can give me peace of mind wherein I don't have to worry about people in his surroundings, I want to be with someone who can reciprocate the affection that I can give. I had 2 past relationships, My first relationship lasted for 8 years (a Filipino national) and had more than a year with the second one (situation ship with an American guy, we had a long-distance relationship and never had a chance to meet, well im not sure if i should count it as a relationship but since I liked him romantically back then so i guess it's fine right?). Both of them left me for someone else maybe the reason why I hate cheaters. I'm 24 now, I started dating my first ex in my early teens I think I was in my third year in high school when we started dating I was 13 y/o at that time. Just to clarify how i had almost a decade dating someone while being just 24. I'm a hopeless romantic you know lol. I have been working in the Government of the Philippines since 2016 (part-time because I'm still in University until 2019) but currently trying to shift my career to a corporate job to pursue my passion and to find what i truly desire in my life I'm a bit workaholic and can work 13 hours from Monday to Saturday but I will always make time if I find someone here. If you're bored message me I don't have anyone to talk too. I haven't upgraded my subscription here yet but you can find me in ig @nikuro_desuuu my full name will be there too search me on Facebook and TikTok. I'm not interested in your dick pics btw just keep that to yourself I don't like horndog. I will move to Saudi Arabia this January 2024 see you there.