
Filipina Singles who went to Elementary School

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Elementary School

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38 Tagum, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Seeking: Male 35 - 55
Education: Primary (Elementary) School
27 Ronda, Cebu, Philippines
Seeking: Male 30 - 99
Education: Primary (Elementary) School
I'm going to say some about myself, so hopefully this will be understandable. Hi! I'm Angelie 27, living in the province of Cebu. no kids & never been married. First of all, I consider myself as I'm introvert, i enjoyed some simply things in life; like being at home, I used to Always working as a house maid since when I was 14. I'm shy type person. But once we're very close I'm sure that we can be the closest bestfriends, However to make the story short, I've survive 3rd degree burnt on my head including my left finger and it is very miracle because when the accident happened i am just a 1 month baby those times & yes I suffer a lot when I was younger & causing me to do not continue studying in highschool & also my parents got separated those time, Many people disrespect & gossiping about my burns. Somehow I've learned how to ignored them and choose to be happy, But even though I didn't finish highschool my parents taught me how to be a good woman and how to be a responsible. And I'm very grateful to god that im fine & healthy & everything. In comes in my lovelife i've a lot of failed relationship in the past that's why im here wishing to find my compatible, A person who can understands me as i am a Filipina. I need some attention & your caring sweet personality. Most of women changing mood swings, so I'm looking for someone who has a high patience & it is also because we have different cultures and language. I'm attractive to a white man since when I was young, so. I desired to have a mixed family in the future, Age gap is doesn't bothered me at all. as long as your a person who values me & our relationship, a person who fight for our love, person who never gives up easily, a person who doesn't make me as your options, unconditional Love and acceptance as who am i. Family Oriented & generous, a man who believes in God's Name, a person who is Honest and responsible matured & marriage minded & one woman man, A a caring and a gentleman personality. person who never ashamed to say in the whole world that I'm his special person. If you feel we're match then write me. I will try my best to write you back because I'm busy at work as a house maid. Thank you for reading and good luck to us.
32 Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines
Seeking: Male 50 - 40
Education: Primary (Elementary) School
33 Liloan, Cebu, Philippines
Seeking: Male 31 - 51
Education: Primary (Elementary) School
48 Naga, Camarines Sur, Philippines
Seeking: Male 49 - 69
Education: Primary (Elementary) School
I am easy to be with, no nonsense, no drama, no frills and chill, bordering on boring. But if you are looking for simple.... that, or a simpleton, it isn't me. I'm a complex, intelligent, passionate, articulate, witty, fully engaging, compassionate, human being. Though it doesn't take away the fact that I live simply and understands that simple living is beautifully untainted by the garbage of modern life, and NO, I am NOT your party-clubbing-social-media-addict- attention-hungry-queen-complex-high-maintenance-shallow-kind-of -girl. I love to stay at home, beautify the house, cook amazing meals, tinker with arts and crafts, read books, putter in the veggie patch, work and do my business in the comfort of home, all the while sweating and grunting and getting my hands dirtied and soiled clothes and untidy, just being myself and understanding life happens and life happening doesn't always mean ball gowns and stilettos and jewelries and make up and coiffed hair, although I love dressing up once in a while, It actually stresses me, knowing in todays world, materialism and consumerism prevails over being a decent human being. I'm an avid reader and loves books both fiction and non-fiction and everything in between. Learning is a lifetime process. I love to travel, love learning about other cultures and people and places and their unique history and way of life. I also love the beach, used to be a scuba guide, was lucky enough to see most of the dive sites here in the Philippines, which is immensely beautiful by the way, and If you ever pass this way, I would recommend for you to try scuba diving, and during summer, the water is really warm like a hug if you know what I mean. I also love to swim, used to do competitive swimming, not anymore though.. but what can a girl do? Life isn't kind, so we learn to deal with what life has dealt us. My positive outlook in life has pulled me through some really rough patches along the way. I always say, if life gives you lemon, "yo' betta dang move yo' ass and make some lemonade... and lemon pie.. and lemon meringue.... and lemon cake...and lemon curd.. and lemon jelly.. do the whole shebang and finish with a bang, it makes for a very festive lemon party LOL I am separated and I do not have children of my own, again, life has dealt me with lemons here LOL I wish I had though and will not be averse to having a mate who has children from a previous relationship, I will treat them right and treat them as my own, I love children.. I don't mind adopting either. Life is all about accepting what the universe has intended for you to have and run away with it and have the grandest time and have the best experience this life could offer..... and if in turn you accept me (after fully getting to know me) and love me for what and who I am... warts and all..... and become my rock, my anchor, my protector, my provider, my haven, my home ........ I will return it a hundred fold with love, respect, trust, fidelity, patience, warmth, loyalty, kindness, and care. and I promise you, it will be by far, the best ride of your life.(Don't mistake this for dependence or gold digging though, I got what it takes to make ends meet and have been alone far too long not to be independent and self-sustaining) And it doesn't hurt I look young for my age, blame it on the good Asian genes ;-) And if you've come this far, yes, those photos are recent LOL
Judy Ann Villano
22 Taguig, Manila, Philippines
Seeking: Male 24 - 43
Education: Primary (Elementary) School
57 Leyte, Leyte, Philippines
Seeking: Male 50 - 65
Education: Primary (Elementary) School
26 Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines
Seeking: Male 26 - 48
Education: Primary (Elementary) School
21 Rodriguez, Rizal, Philippines
Seeking: Male 23 - 40
Education: Primary (Elementary) School
45 Malimono, Surigao del Norte, Philippines
Seeking: Male 40 - 59
Education: Primary (Elementary) School
32 Pasay, Manila, Philippines
Seeking: Male 30 - 51
Education: Primary (Elementary) School
31 Surigao, Surigao del Norte, Philippines
Seeking: Male 30 - 49
Education: Primary (Elementary) School
Ronalyn Lopez
25 Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines
Seeking: Male 26 - 47
Education: Primary (Elementary) School

