
Aries Filipina Singles

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39 Parañaque, Manila, Philippines
Seeking: Male 37 - 90
Star sign: Aries
1. I am Cute & Charming - I mean that's my opinion :) 2. I Love Dogs and Cats ( They are my life ) 3. I love travelling ( My Dream is go to Antarctica and Arctic Circle) - But I will only go there with my Bestfriend, my forever ) 4. I am a hopeless romantic | Generous and The sweetest person in the world 5. I am the breadwinner and I love my Family 6. I am a very honest, straightforward, and sincere person. 7. I am an Aries. - A true Leader and has strong principles in life. 8. I am not that religious,  as there is a lot of hypocrisy  in every religion.  One thing I know and in my heart is that I believe that there is a GOD. 9. I love watching NASA,  Discovery Sciences, aliens, and travel vlogs too. 10. I am a child at heart. I love kids but at my age I don't think I can have babies.  Then you have to accept my cats. They are my life   11. I am a true person inside and out. What you see in  me  through chat/ video calls is the same " me " in person. 12.  I Recently went to New York city and I love the USA. 13. When I was a kid, I was very good at geography and I memorized all the world capitals. 14. People say I'm Smart.  Well, you have to find out? 15. I  am Civil Engineer - Graduated with Bachelor's Degree 15. I never dream of becoming a millionaire or having a massive house. I only want a big kitchen with a greenhouse field with organic vegetables. 16. I know how to draw houses and Floors plans and I designed my very own condo unit in the Philippines, Well, unfortunately, due to the pandemic everything has changed and now I decided I need to just let it go... 17. I am talkative and have a lot of realistic and hypothetical questions. 18. I believe in Marriage before S%X 19. I love eating different kinds of food and I think I am fat at 54 KG (Everyone tells me I'm ok, but I still think I'm fat) . - I can be a chef sometimes too. 20. If you get to know me in person, I love cracking Jokes. I love making people happy and feel that they are loved. Well Well Well… This is taking too much of my time here. It's your turn to say something privateJGE at gmail dot com Note: Currently, I am based abroad, not in the Philippines. Remember to be KIND. Sincerely, Sweetness
27 Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental, Philippines
Seeking: Male 30 - 49
Star sign: Aries
38 Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental, Philippines
Seeking: Male 32 - 52
Star sign: Aries

