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Davao del Norte



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38 Panabo, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Seeking: Male 35 - 56
Anyway my name is is mitchelyn from davao which is my Hometown. Now I am currently living here in polomolok for work and it's been 2 years and months I'm working here, i am single for almost 5years now, no kids, Not yet married. I want to make sure that there is no burden for my lifelong partner soon as I meet him .am Currently working in a Pineapple Plantation Factory. 5 times a week. (Tuesday up to Saturday shift) , my Day off is Sunday and Monday only. I can cook many foods, even Native foods and Desserts. My Grandma taught me how to cook when I was a kid. I have many experience in terms of work, like working as a Nanny, Customer assistant, waitress, sales Lady, Cashier, and Flower shop. restaurant too and Housekeeping. i graduated vocational College and 2 years Social worker in college too.i don't have any siblings, I'm the only one child. my mom passed away, Dad left me with my grandma. Grandma raised me alone by herself. in sport i like badminton, biking, cycling, what my hobbies is gardening, cooking , fishing, biking, hiking, bowling. watching sports and movie/ cinema. I'm an affectionate person, Caring, Kind, Optimistic and have a Sense of humor. i am Soft spoken, quiet type of person but easy go lucky sometimes, When it comes in a relationship i am romantic type person that i appreciate most if my partner is willing to spend time with me.I will always treasure all the time we spend together because for me a very special moment they used together is "invaluable"... I love to go to the beach with my special someone and spend time together while talking and walking into the sand while holding hands. You don't have to be perfect to let somebody love you, the way you want to be loved, always remember that being simple is the most perfect way to make someone fall in love with you.. Just be yourself in and out. honestly, I don't  like Promises, but I believe in effort and time. That is something that I really appreciate and value. Also a Trust ,respect, honour and love. I would not have a secret between us, the more we know each other the better our understanding. I'm not sure what the concept of a lover/ wife is. I tell you I need a friend, someone who can tell me when I am wrong and show me a better way in things. A partner, someone that has my back and will stand beside me no matter what A partner/a lover not just physically (although  sex does have its moments or hours. but someone who shares their most intimate secret and desires with me. a partner or a lover who is not afraid  to cry and would not think less of me when I cried. I hope this helps you understand a little about me. I am a simple woman dosen't mean a cheap girl but not a high maintenance, I like the little things to be right and the big things will fall into place. I really value what I have. All I need is his time and effort with love. i hope this helps you understand a little about me.
50 Panabo, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Seeking: Male 43 - 65
I'M Sherley 50yrs.old. I am widow I don't have kids. My died 6yrs Ago.I live in Davao City Philippines, Anyway Davao is safe place don't be scared to visit our place. I have a little business.And at the same time i work too..I am busy woman, I been here for a long time..I have 9siblings. We are very close to each other.. How i wish to meet my forever partner here. I hope that someone who'se is real and he will be honest person. Cuase i been chatting a lot on here some are nice, and some are bad.So please lets be honest to ourselves. We both just don't play games. Cause i don't wanna play with you. I'm here with a good intention, formal just to be nice with all of you..Don't bother me if your intention is bad or just playing me. I hope you understand. So thanks to all .I'm here on this site to find a partner.and i am very seriouse about finding partner. i am very caring and understanding, loving. I am serious about relationship.I am not beautiful but I have a good heart. I'm not a cheater. I couldn't say that i am very honest because nobody's perfect, but i just don' t want to tell a lie. My photos are true it's really me . I love cooking , gardening , i love to plant flowers. I sometimes go outing together with my family and friends on beaches, parks,and malls too . I am 55kls now but needs to lose more ,I' m still doing exercise, but not everyday.I'm not a fake. until now i'm still searching. I been incountered bad people here.If you don't believe what I wrote on my profile just leave me alone if you like my profile then it's up to you if you're interested and drop a little messege.Know me first before you judge me. But still hoping to meet a nice one who' s really serious about relationship. So please just be nice!
31 Panabo, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Seeking: Male 30 - 90
24 Panabo, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Seeking: Male 25 - 30
28 Panabo, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Seeking: Male 28 - 50
31 Panabo, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Seeking: Male 25 - 45
35 Panabo, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Seeking: Male 32 - 53
50 Panabo, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Seeking: Male 48 - 69
38 Panabo, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Seeking: Male 35 - 54
40 Panabo, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Seeking: Male 37 - 57

