
Sacramento Men

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55 Sacramento, California, United States
Seeking: Female 23 - 70
 Note: Despite any good stuff in my profile, I am not anywhere close to perfect, whether in reality or in my mind. Also, my name is Gordon…not James Intelligent, loving, caring, funny, confident (yet down to earth), ambitious, empathetic, social, attractive, educated (MBA, JD), kind, sensitive, romantic, creative, authentic, healthy and fit. I enjoy entertaining people and making people laugh. Friends and strangers tell me I have a great sense of humor. I love to have fun and enjoy being around people in all types of circumstances. In the last thirty years, I have gone from a person who tended to avoid others to (what my friends say is) an amazing conversationalist who can adapt to any situation. I have become a person who makes friends and strangers feel at ease. I can work any room and am comfortable at any event or function, whether fun or serious, blue or white collar, formal or casual, etc. People often tell me I have great energy. I enjoy sightseeing, travel, theater, art galleries, movies, pub crawls, dancing, charity and company events, volunteer work, playing piano and guitar, improvising music, singing, reading, gardening, traveling, bicycling, sailing and home improvement work. I have been on advisory boards for charities and have been the president of a major commercial real-estate members' organization. I have given legal seminars, acted and sang on stage, acted on film and even modeled (as average-guy look) for a photo shoot on stage at a training seminar for professional photographers (and was never called back - Lol). My hair is longer right now. But I will cut it short for you (if you prefer) when we are exclusive or when (and if) I go back to working in a high-end law firm, whichever comes first. I go back and forth from clean shaven to short beard right now. I think I have at least eight jobs I do throughout the year and I seem to always be helping someone. I continually strive to be a better man. In everything I do, I have learned to let go and not be so worried about being in control; I'm trying to be more courageous. I am working on seeing challenges as a positive opportunity for growth. I make a conscious effort at speaking "positive" into the lives of those I touch every day. I'm taking more time to have fun and am riding my bike more than ever. In the last five years, I have been a professional mover, a handyman, a window washer on fifteen million dollar homes in places like Santa Barbara and the Napa Valley, designed and constructed the tenant improvements in a massage parlor and a portion of a bar/restaurant, worked for a caterer, assisted with working on flipper houses, staged a home for sale, provided pro-bono legal assistance to a domestic abuse victim with regard to her child custody matter, designed about 80%+ of the layout and display of a high-end lingerie store . . . and more. (Just can't seem to focus - LOL.) I practiced commercial real-estate law for 20 years (top 5% at an ABA-accredited law school) at a high level. During that time I gained a reputation as a very competent drafter and negotiator, conducted advanced legal seminars, wrote legal articles and even drafted legislation. Now I am real good at doing what I want. Good at connecting with people and connecting people with one another, Karaoke, helping others and dancing to live music. I am pretty good at thinking outside the box. (Like the first time I had a date over to my house for dinner many many years ago. I went to open a bottle of wine and realized that I did not have a corkscrew. I calmly went into the other room and came back with a power drill, hammer and drywall screw. I took my power drill and plugged it in like a kitchen appliance and used it to screw the drywall screw into the cork. I then took my hammer claw and pulled the cork out by the screw. She told me later that is when she fell in love with me. Years later, we have three beautiful adult girls. I was married for 17 years and have been divorced for over seven years.) I believe I have become a really good listener and good at loving people. And... I am really good at communicating, having a great time, at being playful and at being professional when appropriate.
35 Sacramento, California, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 30
48 Sacramento, California, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 30
37 Sacramento, California, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 28
26 Sacramento, California, United States
Seeking: Female 20 - 35
52 Sacramento, California, United States
Seeking: Female 21 - 32

